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Student and Family Handbook
Student & Family Handbook
Handbook Amendments*
Title IX Coordinator (pg. 22) has changed; please see new contact info below
Contact: Ms. Jade Falcon-James
Email: jfalcon@jeffersonrise.org
Phone: call the front desk at (504)328-9799 to request a phone call
Section 504 Coordinator (pg. 42) has changed; please see new contact below
Contact: Ms. April Taylor
Email: ataylor@jeffersonrise.org
Phone: call the front desk at (504)328-9799 to request a phone call
*Occasionally minor adjustments are made to the handbook over the course of it's published time that are non-material, such as a point of contact due to an employment change. These changes are temporarily listed above and updated in the next Board approval of the handbook. Any substantive changes, such as a change to policy, require immediate Board approval of an updated handbook.